The Strategic Value of Headhunters in Recruiting CFOs: A Comprehensive Analysis


In the dynamic landscape of business, the role of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has evolved beyond traditional financial management. Modern CFOs are strategic leaders, influencing critical decisions that impact the overall success and sustainability of an organization. Recognizing the complexity of this role, companies increasingly turn to headhunters, or executive search firms, to identify and recruit top-tier CFO talent. This essay explores the value of using headhunters in recruiting CFOs, shedding light on the benefits and strategic advantages that come with this specialized approach.

The Evolving Role of CFOs:

The role of CFOs has significantly transformed in recent years, extending beyond financial stewardship to encompass strategic planning, risk management, and operational leadership. CFOs are now integral members of the executive team, contributing to the development and execution of business strategies. Consequently, the demand for CFOs with a unique blend of financial acumen, strategic vision, and leadership skills has surged.

Challenges in CFO Recruitment:

Identifying and recruiting a CFO who aligns with the company’s vision and possesses the requisite skills is a challenging task. Traditional recruitment methods may fall short in targeting the specific attributes required for a modern CFO. Headhunters, with their specialized knowledge and extensive networks, offer a strategic solution to these challenges.

Benefits of Using Headhunters for CFO Recruitment:

  1. Specialized Expertise: Headhunters specializing in executive-level searches bring a deep understanding of the CFO role and its evolving demands. They are well-versed in the nuances of the financial industry and can accurately assess the skills, experiences, and cultural fit required for a CFO to succeed in a particular organization.
  2. Access to a Global Network: Executive search firms maintain vast networks of professionals across industries and geographies. This global reach enables them to tap into a diverse pool of talent, ensuring that the recruited CFO not only possesses the necessary skills but also brings a global perspective to the organization.
  3. Confidentiality and Discretion: CFO searches often require a high level of confidentiality. Headhunters understand the sensitivity of executive-level recruitment and are equipped to handle the process discreetly. This is crucial for protecting the reputation of both the hiring organization and the candidate.
  4. Time and Resource Efficiency: CFO searches can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Headhunters streamline the recruitment process by leveraging their networks, databases, and industry knowledge. This efficiency is especially valuable in securing top talent promptly, minimizing the potential negative impact of prolonged vacancies in critical leadership positions.
  5. Assessment and Evaluation: Headhunters employ rigorous assessment and evaluation processes to ensure that the shortlisted candidates not only meet the technical requirements but also align with the organization’s culture and strategic goals. This meticulous approach reduces the risk of mismatches and enhances the likelihood of long-term success for the recruited CFO.
  6. Negotiation and Onboarding Support: Securing a high-caliber CFO often involves complex negotiations. Headhunters act as intermediaries, facilitating negotiations between the hiring organization and the candidate. Furthermore, they can provide valuable onboarding support to ensure a smooth transition for the newly appointed CFO.
  7. Mitigating Risks and Maximizing Returns: The strategic nature of the CFO role means that the impact of a successful hire is substantial, influencing the financial health and strategic direction of the organization. Headhunters play a pivotal role in mitigating risks associated with executive-level appointments, ultimately maximizing the return on investment for the hiring organization.

Headhunters and recruiters are both professionals involved in the talent acquisition process, but they operate in distinct ways and serve different purposes within the broader field of recruitment. Understanding the differences between headhunters and recruiters is crucial for organizations seeking to optimize their hiring strategies.

  1. Purpose and Focus:
    • Headhunters: Also known as executive search consultants, headhunters specialize in recruiting for high-level executive positions, typically at the C-suite level. They are tasked with identifying and attracting top-tier talent for leadership roles. Headhunters often target passive candidates, individuals who may not be actively seeking new opportunities but possess the skills and experience sought by their clients.
    • Recruiters: Recruiters, on the other hand, have a broader scope and may handle positions at various levels within an organization. Their focus ranges from entry-level positions to mid-level management roles. Recruiters may work in-house as part of a company’s human resources team or be employed by external staffing agencies.
  2. Search Approach:
    • Headhunters: Headhunters proactively seek out candidates who may not be actively looking for new opportunities. They rely heavily on networking, industry knowledge, and a deep understanding of their clients’ needs to identify and approach potential candidates directly. The search process is often highly targeted and tailored to specific executive roles.
    • Recruiters: Recruiters may engage in both active and passive candidate sourcing. They often post job openings, review applications, and conduct interviews with candidates who have applied for positions. Recruiters also build talent pools and maintain databases of potential candidates for future openings.
  3. Client Relationship:
    • Headhunters: Headhunters typically work on a retained or contingency basis. In a retained search, the client pays a fee upfront for exclusive access to the headhunter’s services. In a contingency search, the headhunter is only compensated if a candidate they present is hired. The relationship between headhunters and clients is often more consultative, with a focus on understanding the company’s culture, strategy, and specific executive needs.
    • Recruiters: Recruiters may work on a contingency basis or as part of an agency that charges fees based on successful placements. In some cases, recruiters are directly employed by the company they are hiring for. Their relationship with the client may involve a more transactional approach, with an emphasis on filling positions quickly and efficiently.
  4. Compensation and Fees:
    • Headhunters: Headhunters typically command higher fees, reflecting the specialized nature of their work and the critical importance of executive-level hires to an organization. The fees may be a percentage of the hired executive’s first-year salary or a flat fee agreed upon with the client.
    • Recruiters: Recruiters’ fees are often contingent on successful placements and are generally lower than those charged by headhunters. The fees may be a percentage of the candidate’s first-year salary or an hourly rate for the recruiter’s time.
  5. Level of Involvement:
    • Headhunters: Due to the strategic nature of executive searches, headhunters are deeply involved in every stage of the recruitment process. From defining the role to negotiating offers, they play a hands-on role in securing top-level talent for their clients.
    • Recruiters: Recruiters may handle a larger volume of positions simultaneously, and their involvement in the process can vary. While they are responsible for sourcing and screening candidates, the hiring manager within the organization often takes a more active role in the final stages of the selection process.

In summary, headhunters and recruiters serve distinct purposes within the recruitment landscape. Headhunters specialize in executive-level searches, employing a proactive and targeted approach to identify and attract top talent. Recruiters, on the other hand, have a broader focus, handling positions at various levels and employing both active and passive candidate sourcing strategies. Understanding the differences between these roles allows organizations to choose the right professionals to meet their specific hiring needs.


In conclusion, the value of using headhunters in recruiting CFOs is evident in the specialized expertise, global networks, and strategic advantages they bring to the table. The evolving nature of the CFO role demands a tailored approach to recruitment, and executive search firms offer precisely that. By leveraging their knowledge, networks, and efficient processes, headhunters contribute significantly to the success of organizations in securing top-tier CFO talent, ultimately enhancing their strategic and financial prowess in today’s competitive business environment.

FD Capital are one of London’s leading CFO Headhunter and recruitment boutiques, you can learn a lot about them by listening to their podcast here.

Getting growth right with a CFO

Getting growth right with a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) involves leveraging their financial expertise and strategic insights to drive sustainable and profitable growth for the organization. Here are key ways to achieve growth with a CFO:

Financial Planning and Analysis: A CFO plays a crucial role in developing a comprehensive financial plan aligned with the organization’s growth objectives. They assess market opportunities, conduct financial analysis, and provide insights on revenue drivers, cost structures, and profitability. By working closely with other departments, the CFO can ensure that growth initiatives are financially viable and supported by robust financial models.

Capital Allocation and Investment Strategy: CFOs help optimize capital allocation by evaluating investment opportunities and prioritizing growth initiatives. They conduct financial due diligence, assess risks and returns, and provide recommendations on resource allocation. CFOs work alongside the executive team to evaluate potential acquisitions, partnerships, or organic growth strategies, ensuring that investments align with the organization’s growth objectives and financial capacity.

Financial Performance Monitoring: CFOs play a critical role in monitoring and analyzing financial performance to ensure growth targets are being achieved. They establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and financial metrics to track progress and identify areas for improvement. By regularly reviewing financial reports and conducting variance analysis, CFOs can identify trends, deviations, and opportunities to optimize performance and drive growth.

Risk Management and Mitigation: CFOs actively manage financial risks that may impact growth initiatives. They establish robust internal controls, assess risk exposures, and develop strategies to mitigate potential threats. By conducting thorough risk assessments and implementing risk mitigation measures, CFOs safeguard the organization’s financial health and support sustainable growth.

Strategic Partnerships and M&A: CFOs play a crucial role in identifying strategic partnerships, collaborations, and potential merger and acquisition (M&A) opportunities that can accelerate growth. They conduct financial due diligence, assess the financial impact of potential transactions, and negotiate favorable terms. CFOs ensure that growth through partnerships or M&A aligns with the organization’s strategic objectives and enhances its competitive position.

Cash Flow Management: CFOs closely manage cash flow to support growth initiatives. They develop cash flow projections, optimize working capital, and implement effective cash management strategies. By monitoring cash inflows and outflows, CFOs ensure the availability of adequate funding for growth investments and minimize the risk of cash flow constraints.

Data-Driven Decision Making: CFOs leverage data analytics and financial insights to support growth strategies. They use financial and market data to identify trends, evaluate customer behavior, and assess the impact of growth initiatives. By providing data-driven insights, CFOs enable informed decision making and help shape growth strategies based on robust financial analysis.

Performance Incentives and Alignment: CFOs work with the executive team to design performance incentives that align with growth objectives. They establish key financial and non-financial metrics that motivate and reward employees for driving growth. By aligning performance incentives with growth targets, CFOs create a culture that fosters growth-oriented behaviors and drives overall organizational success.

Investor Relations: CFOs play a critical role in communicating growth strategies and financial performance to investors and stakeholders. They articulate the organization’s growth story, financial outlook, and investment opportunities to attract capital and support from the investment community. By effectively managing investor relations, CFOs build trust and confidence in the organization’s growth potential.

Scenario Planning and Risk Assessment: CFOs engage in scenario planning to assess potential risks and opportunities that may impact growth. They model various scenarios, evaluate their financial implications, and develop contingency plans to mitigate risks. By proactively identifying and addressing potential obstacles to growth, CFOs help ensure a more robust and resilient growth strategy.

A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is essential to an organization for several reasons:

Financial Strategy and Decision-Making: The CFO is responsible for developing and executing the organization’s financial strategy. They provide financial insights and analysis that drive informed decision-making, ensuring that financial resources are allocated effectively to support the organization’s goals and objectives.

Financial Planning and Budgeting: The CFO leads the financial planning and budgeting process, working with other departments to develop realistic and achievable financial targets. They provide guidance on resource allocation, cost management, and revenue projections, ensuring that the organization operates within its financial means.

Risk Management: CFOs play a critical role in identifying and managing financial risks. They establish robust internal controls, implement risk mitigation strategies, and monitor compliance with financial regulations. By proactively managing risks, the CFO helps protect the organization’s financial health and reputation.

Financial Reporting and Compliance: The CFO oversees financial reporting, ensuring accuracy, transparency, and compliance with accounting standards and regulatory requirements. They provide timely and accurate financial information to stakeholders, including investors, lenders, and regulatory bodies. Accurate financial reporting is essential for building trust and maintaining the confidence of stakeholders.

Cash Flow Management: The CFO manages cash flow, ensuring that the organization has sufficient liquidity to meet its financial obligations and support its operations. They monitor cash inflows and outflows, optimize working capital, and make strategic decisions to optimize cash flow and minimize financial risk.

Capital Structure and Financing: CFOs are responsible for managing the organization’s capital structure and financing options. They evaluate and recommend appropriate sources of financing, negotiate with lenders or investors, and manage relationships with financial institutions. The CFO ensures that the organization has access to the necessary capital to support its growth and operational needs.

Performance Monitoring and Analysis: The CFO monitors financial performance through key performance indicators (KPIs) and financial metrics. They analyze financial data, identify trends, and provide insights to drive performance improvement. By monitoring performance, the CFO can identify areas of concern and make informed recommendations for strategic adjustments.

Strategic Planning and M&A: CFOs play a crucial role in strategic planning and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activities. They assess the financial viability of strategic initiatives, evaluate investment opportunities, and provide financial due diligence for potential acquisitions or partnerships. The CFO ensures that strategic decisions align with the organization’s financial objectives and create long-term value.

Investor Relations: The CFO plays a key role in managing relationships with investors and shareholders. They communicate the organization’s financial performance, strategy, and prospects to the investment community. The CFO’s ability to effectively engage with investors and articulate the organization’s financial story is vital for attracting capital, maintaining investor confidence, and supporting the organization’s growth plans.

Leadership and Collaboration: As a member of the executive team, the CFO provides financial leadership and collaborates with other departments to achieve organizational objectives. They contribute financial expertise to strategic discussions, facilitate cross-functional collaboration, and align financial goals with broader business goals.

The CFO is essential to an organization because they provide financial leadership, strategic guidance, risk management, and financial stewardship. Their expertise and insights contribute to the organization’s financial health, operational efficiency, and long-term growth. The CFO’s role extends beyond financial matters, influencing strategic decision-making and supporting the organization’s overall success.

In summary, a CFO can contribute significantly to achieving growth objectives by providing financial expertise, strategic insights, and risk management capabilities. By actively collaborating with other departments and aligning financial decision making with growth priorities, CFOs play a crucial role in driving sustainable and profitable growth for the organization.

Are you looking for a new CFO? If so why not speak to FD Capital Recruitment, they are a leading London based niche recruiter.  Need a CEO why not reach out to Exec Capital.

CFO or FD Networks in the UK

CFO or FD Networks in the UK are professional communities and networks specifically designed for Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and Finance Directors (FDs) to connect, share insights, and enhance their professional development. These networks provide a platform for finance leaders to exchange knowledge, discuss industry trends, and build relationships with peers facing similar challenges in the financial realm. Here are some key aspects of CFO or FD Networks in the UK:

  1. Peer-to-Peer Networking: CFO or FD Networks offer opportunities for finance leaders to connect with their peers in a supportive and collaborative environment. These networks organize regular events, conferences, and forums where CFOs and FDs can interact, exchange experiences, and learn from each other’s insights. Networking allows finance leaders to gain valuable perspectives, benchmark practices, and expand their professional network.
  2. Knowledge Sharing and Best Practices: CFO or FD Networks facilitate the sharing of knowledge and best practices among members. This includes discussions on topics such as financial strategy, risk management, regulatory compliance, financial reporting, and emerging trends in the financial industry. Through presentations, workshops, and panel discussions, members can gain insights into innovative approaches, successful strategies, and lessons learned from experienced finance leaders.
  3. Professional Development and Learning Opportunities: These networks provide professional development and learning opportunities to enhance the skills and competencies of CFOs and FDs. They offer seminars, workshops, and training programs on a range of topics, including leadership development, technical skills, emerging technologies, and industry-specific updates. CFO or FD Networks often collaborate with professional bodies, industry experts, and academic institutions to deliver high-quality learning experiences.
  4. Thought Leadership and Industry Influence: CFO or FD Networks often act as platforms for finance leaders to contribute to thought leadership and industry influence. Members have the opportunity to share their expertise through speaking engagements, thought leadership articles, and participation in industry surveys or research projects. By contributing to industry discussions and shaping the financial agenda, CFOs and FDs can have a broader impact on their organizations and the wider business community.
  5. Access to Service Providers and Solution Partners: CFO or FD Networks often have relationships with service providers and solution partners that offer specialized products or services catering to the needs of finance leaders. These partnerships can provide access to tools, technologies, and consulting services that help CFOs and FDs address specific challenges and improve financial operations. Through network affiliations, members can connect with trusted solution providers and stay informed about the latest industry offerings.
  6. Career Development and Job Opportunities: CFO or FD Networks can be valuable resources for career development and job opportunities. Members may gain exposure to executive search firms, recruitment agencies, and companies seeking finance leaders. Network events and online platforms may feature job postings, executive search announcements, and career development resources tailored to CFOs and FDs.
  7. Supportive Community and Peer Mentoring: CFO or FD Networks create a supportive community where members can find mentorship and guidance from seasoned finance professionals. Peer mentoring programs may be established within the network, providing opportunities for more experienced CFOs and FDs to share their knowledge and support the development of emerging leaders in the field. These mentoring relationships can foster personal growth, expand professional networks, and provide guidance on career progression.


    Finding a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in London, UK involves a systematic approach to ensure you identify qualified candidates who align with your organization’s needs and culture. Here are some steps to help you find a CFO in London:

    1. Define the Role: Clearly define the responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations for the CFO role within your organization. Consider factors such as industry experience, financial expertise, leadership skills, and cultural fit. This will help you narrow down your search and attract candidates with the right skill set.
    2. Utilize Professional Networks: Leverage professional networks, both online and offline, to find potential CFO candidates. Engage with industry-specific forums, CFO or finance professional networks, and LinkedIn groups focused on finance and accounting. These platforms can provide access to a pool of experienced professionals and facilitate connections with suitable candidates.
    3. Executive Search Firms: Engage reputable executive search firms that specialize in senior finance roles. These firms have extensive networks and expertise in identifying and vetting CFO candidates. Provide them with a clear job description and desired qualifications to ensure they target the right individuals. Executive search firms can assist with the recruitment process, including candidate sourcing, screening, and shortlisting.
    4. Advertise the Position: Advertise the CFO position through various channels, such as online job portals, industry-specific websites, and professional publications. Craft a compelling job description that highlights the key responsibilities, required qualifications, and your organization’s unique selling points. Promote the position through your company’s website and social media channels to reach a wider audience.
    5. Tap into Professional Associations: Explore professional associations, such as the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), or Financial Reporting Council (FRC). These associations often have member directories or job boards where you can find qualified CFO candidates with relevant industry certifications and experience.
    6. Networking and Referrals: Leverage your personal and professional network to seek referrals and recommendations for potential CFO candidates. Reach out to trusted colleagues, industry contacts, and other finance professionals who may be aware of individuals suitable for the role. Referrals can help you find candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities but possess the desired qualifications and expertise.
    7. Industry Events and Conferences: Attend industry events, conferences, and seminars focused on finance, accounting, and leadership. These events provide opportunities to network with finance professionals, including CFOs, who may be interested in exploring new career opportunities. Engage in conversations, share your requirements, and collect business cards for potential follow-ups.
    8. Evaluate and Interview Candidates: Once you have identified potential CFO candidates, conduct a thorough evaluation and interview process. Assess their qualifications, experience, leadership style, cultural fit, and strategic mindset. Ask relevant questions about their financial acumen, problem-solving skills, and track record of driving financial performance. Consider conducting multiple rounds of interviews and involving key stakeholders in the decision-making process.
    9. Background Checks and References: Conduct comprehensive background checks on the final candidates to verify their credentials, employment history, and professional reputation. Request references from previous employers or professional contacts who can provide insights into the candidate’s performance, work ethic, and leadership abilities.
    10. Engage in Negotiation and Onboarding: Once you have selected a suitable CFO candidate, engage in salary negotiations, contract discussions, and any necessary legal processes. Develop an onboarding plan to ensure a smooth transition and integration into the organization. Provide the new CFO with the necessary resources, support, and information needed to succeed in their role.

    Remember, hiring a CFO is a critical decision that requires careful consideration. It is advisable to involve key stakeholders, such as the CEO, board members, and other senior executives, to ensure alignment and support throughout the hiring process.

CFO or FD Networks in the UK serve as valuable resources for CFOs and FDs seeking to enhance their professional capabilities, expand their networks, and stay updated on industry trends. By fostering knowledge sharing, facilitating networking opportunities, and providing career support, these networks contribute to the continuous development and success of finance leaders in the UK.   Looking for a CFO why not try your centre for CFOs and FDs?

What value does a CFO bring to a business?

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) brings substantial value to a business through their unique skill set, financial expertise, and strategic contributions. Here are some key areas where a CFO adds value to an organization:

Financial Strategy and Decision-Making: A CFO plays a vital role in shaping the financial strategy of a business. They provide strategic insights, financial analysis, and guidance to the executive team and the board of directors. CFOs evaluate investment opportunities, assess risks, and contribute to decision-making processes that drive the long-term financial health and growth of the organization.

Financial Planning and Performance Management: CFOs are responsible for developing comprehensive financial plans, including budgeting, forecasting, and setting financial targets. They monitor and analyze financial performance, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies to optimize profitability and efficiency. CFOs ensure that financial resources are allocated effectively and aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives.

Risk Management and Compliance: CFOs play a critical role in managing financial risks and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. They establish internal controls, assess and mitigate risks, and oversee financial reporting processes to maintain transparency and accountability. CFOs help safeguard the organization’s assets, reputation, and regulatory compliance, minimizing the impact of potential financial risks.

Capital Management and Resource Allocation: CFOs are responsible for managing the organization’s capital structure and optimizing the allocation of financial resources. They evaluate investment opportunities, assess funding options, and make strategic decisions on capital expenditures, mergers and acquisitions, and divestitures. CFOs ensure that the organization’s financial resources are efficiently utilized to maximize returns and support sustainable growth.

Investor Relations and Stakeholder Management: CFOs serve as a primary point of contact for investors, analysts, and financial institutions. They are responsible for communicating the company’s financial performance, growth strategies, and value proposition to external stakeholders. CFOs establish and maintain strong relationships with shareholders, provide accurate and timely financial information, and instill confidence in the organization’s financial health and prospects.

Strategic Partnerships and Business Development: CFOs often collaborate with other departments and external partners to drive business growth and expansion. They evaluate potential partnerships, acquisitions, and alliances, assessing their financial viability and alignment with the organization’s strategic goals. CFOs contribute financial expertise to evaluate market trends, conduct due diligence, and negotiate favorable financial terms in business transactions.

Technology and Process Innovation: CFOs embrace technological advancements and automation to streamline financial processes, enhance data analysis, and improve efficiency. They leverage financial management systems, data analytics tools, and AI technologies to gain actionable insights, drive process improvements, and optimize financial operations. CFOs champion digital transformation initiatives, enabling the finance function to become a strategic driver of innovation within the organization.

Strategic Thinking and Leadership: CFOs bring a strategic mindset to the organization, contributing to overall business strategy development and execution. They provide financial perspectives, assess the financial impact of strategic initiatives, and offer insights on market dynamics and competitive landscapes. CFOs collaborate with other executives to align financial goals with broader business objectives, driving sustainable growth and value creation.

Finding the right outsourced Chief Financial Officer (CFO) can be a crucial decision for businesses that seek financial expertise and strategic guidance without the need for a full-time, in-house CFO. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when searching for the right outsourced CFO:

Expertise and Experience: Look for an outsourced CFO with a strong background and relevant experience in finance and accounting. Consider their industry knowledge, familiarity with your specific business sector, and track record of successfully managing financial matters. A well-rounded CFO should possess expertise in financial planning, analysis, reporting, risk management, and strategic decision-making.

Flexibility and Scalability: Assess the outsourced CFO’s ability to adapt to your business’s changing needs and scale accordingly. They should be able to provide flexible services, adjusting their level of involvement and support as your business grows or faces specific challenges. Consider their capacity to handle diverse financial functions, from day-to-day operations to long-term financial strategy.

Alignment with Company Culture and Values: The outsourced CFO should align with your company culture and values. Since they will be working closely with your internal team, it is essential that they understand and integrate well into your organization’s dynamics. Look for a CFO who shares similar values, ethics, and communication styles to foster a strong working relationship.

Collaborative Approach: A successful outsourced CFO should be a collaborative partner who actively engages with your management team and internal stakeholders. They should possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills, capable of working with various departments and providing financial insights to support decision-making across the organization. Consider their ability to bridge the gap between financial expertise and other business functions.

Strong Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills: An outsourced CFO should possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills to tackle complex financial challenges. Look for someone who can analyze financial data, identify trends, and provide actionable recommendations to improve financial performance and address key business issues. They should be able to think strategically and offer innovative solutions to drive growth and profitability.

Technological Proficiency: In today’s digital age, it is crucial that an outsourced CFO is technologically proficient. Look for someone who is familiar with financial management systems, data analytics tools, and emerging technologies. Their ability to leverage technology effectively will enhance financial processes, data analysis, and reporting capabilities, leading to improved efficiency and informed decision-making.

References and Reputation: Request references from the outsourced CFO’s previous clients to gain insights into their performance, professionalism, and overall satisfaction. Consider their reputation within the industry and seek feedback from trusted sources. Online reviews and testimonials can also provide valuable information about the outsourced CFO’s track record and client satisfaction.

Clear Scope of Services and Deliverables: Prior to engaging an outsourced CFO, clearly define the scope of services and deliverables you expect. Discuss specific objectives, timelines, and key performance indicators (KPIs). A well-defined scope of work will ensure clarity and accountability, enabling you to measure the effectiveness and value delivered by the outsourced CFO.

Finding the right outsourced CFO requires careful consideration of their expertise, flexibility, alignment with company culture, collaborative approach, analytical skills, technological proficiency, reputation, and clear understanding of deliverables. By selecting the right outsourced CFO, you can access high-level financial expertise, strategic guidance, and support tailored to your business needs while maximizing your financial management capabilities.  Exec Capital can help you find C suite executives.

In summary, CFOs bring significant value to a business through their financial acumen, strategic thinking, and leadership capabilities. They contribute to financial strategy, performance management, risk mitigation, and stakeholder relations. By leveraging their expertise, CFOs ensure the financial stability, profitability, and long-term success of the organization.  FD Capital are a leading UK recruiter of CFO based in London.


Talent OutReach / Recruitment Assistant / Business Development at FD Capital Recruitment

FD Capital are a FD and CFO Recruitment boutique we are currently looking for an assistant to join our team.

Previous recruitment experience is very desireable but your attitude is more important. We are looking for confident people, with good English skills. You must have a strong work ethic and take pride in everything you do.

The role will involve

Prospecting for candidates on Linkedin
Updating and maintaining our CRM system
Out Reaching to candidates to find our their availability and to arrange interviews
Out Reaching to companies who have visited our website to attempt to engage with them and to encourage them to explore recruitment roles with us.
General Admin tasks.
Covering Chat Support.

This role is fully remote and we are open to recruiting from Eastern Europe including Ukrainians displaced by the conflict.

We are flexible on your working hours, so ideal if there is a time difference (within reason) or you have family commitments. You need your own PC, Phone and a good internet connection.

We focus on the London senior Accountancy recruitment market, so any candidate needs to have some appreciation of the UK and Accountants.

Contacting potential candidates and employers via Linkedin.

Good English Skills

Gradudate Education.

To learn more about FD Capital visit our website at

Check out the FD Capital vacancy at also.

FD Capital has also been in the news via SubStack

FD Capital have also put out a press release, see below

London, May 2022 – FD Capital, the leading boutique financial recruitment agency, has announced the launch of its international recruitment service. The recruitment agency is expanding to offer recruitment for the positions of CFO’s and Finance Directors outside of the UK.

FD Capital began as a specialist agency, connecting start-ups and SMEs with CFOs on a part-time, full-time, and interim basis within London This new service is the latest in a range of expansion plans that will see FD Capital build its recruitment to a full portfolio of non-executive senior management roles internationally.

As the leading recruitment agency for financial professionals, FD Capital has developed a proven track record of connecting businesses with the employees they need to realise their potential. FD Capital recruits on an in-house and remote basis, working with companies across the UK and beyond.

The company is based in London with a senior leadership team that has a shared entrepreneurial background. They have extensive experience in helping businesses scale to the next level while understanding the trials and tribulations of expanding.

FD Capital is quickly building its reputation both domestically and internationally through recruitment for remote working opportunities. It comes on the heels of ‘the great resignation’, when start-ups, SMEs, and scaling businesses are taking a more flexible approach to work to attract talent.

The agency’s portfolio of talent includes qualified accountants with experience working as non-executive directors and in chairmen roles. This extensive talent pool offers businesses the opportunity to hire on a part-time, full-time, and interim basis.

As a boutique recruitment agency, FD Capital takes a curated approach to recruiting, identifying the needs of each business before starting the recruitment process. The latest expansion will see FD Capital offer recruitment for a full range of leadership and senior management positions.

Adrian Lawrence, Director of FD Capital, said “we are delighted to be once again expanding FD Capital, taking our proven approach to recruitment to international Markets ranging across Australia, Europe and Dubai”.

About FD Capital: FD Capital is a boutique recruitment agency based in London. It connects start-ups and businesses with senior financial professionals with experience working with PLCs, venture capitalists, and fundraising.

FD Capital recruits financial professionals at all levels with a tailored approach for each client, including for CFOs and Financial Directors. Its recent expansions have seen the agency grow to offer executive and non-executive recruitment services.

You can find out more about FD Capital and its NED recruitment at

Company Name: FD Capital Recruitment
Full Name: Adrian Lawrence
Phone: 02078983531

FD and CFO

CFO Recruitment in London

Our sister site FD Capital Recruitment is seeing really strong growth at the    moment, the London recruitment market has at last recovered from the three pandemic lockdowns which have restricted the market so much between 2019 and 2021.

Now the worse of that is behind us, they are seeing growing interest in Finance Director and CFO roles.   FD Capital focusses on PE and VC funded businesses, the backgrounds of their Directors are all in technology businesses of various sizes and stages of development from Seed stage right through to fully listed Plc.

With these skills in mind they are making a name for themselves in the London market and especially in the CFO recruitment niche.  To learn more about them and particularly if you are a London based busines looking for your next CFO or FD they will be delighted to hear from you, their website can be found at

Whilst based in Great Portland Street, they cover London and the South East and the rest of the Country they support using their national network of FDs and CFOs.

A lot of their candidates are amongst the best on the market and they have specialisms such as Fintech, E-Commerce, Saas (Software as a Service) ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and many more besides.

FD and CFO

How they work

If one of our team is available and the location works then we put them forward as preferred candidates, as we already know them and they have a track record with us.  If an opportunity comes along that is outside of the areas where our FD’s and CFO’s are based (less of an issue now that businesses are more open to remote working) then we go out to the market in much the same way as regular Senior Finance Recruitment service does.   We use Linkedin a lot and find that we can attract strong interest if we advertise roles with them.

There are many benefits to being part of our network, these include:

  • Getting first refusal on new opportunities
  • Sharing advice and tips from other members of our team.
  • Meeting up for a social and chat, its surprising how isolated being a Portfolio FD or CFO can become.
  • A team you can turn to for help and advice
  • A panel of PE houses and Venture capitalist who can help with fund raising for clients.

If you are interested in joining our network please reach out to us today.

Their Culture

Them pride themselves on always being friendly and professional, plus our approach reflects that we are team made up of FD’s and professional recruiters, so you can be sure of talking with someone who knows first hand what your issues and situation is likely to be. Many of our team have been entrepreneurs themselves so can really relate to our owner manager client base.

Because we are so experienced we always find the best candidates.

You can get in touch with our team by calling us at 020 3287 9501

FD and CFO networking events

We enjoy socialising with our FD’s and its also a great way to make connections and contacts for your own benefit and a way you can introduce members of our network to clients and service providers.  We host regular dinners and events such as wine tasting evenings in locations around the country,   London, Birmingham, Manchester, Oxford and Guildford have been our most recent meetups.

From time to time we organise and host virtual meetings and presentations, typically around an interesting topic, these are held using Zoom and we advertise these using eventbrite.  Recent meetings have included:-

  • How to write a Pitch deck that raises funds.
  • Using Linkedin more effectively to find new Portfolio FD opportunities.
  • Online marketing, how Google’s algorithm ranks sites and how to improve your websites rankings.

Where possible we draw on the expertise of existing network members or bring in guest speaker for the evening.

To learn about our events and to sign up for the next one, please reach out to our team today.  Sign up using FD Capital mailchimp.

IR35 is coming and it will shake up contracting

I’ve been doing some contracting work myself whilst working for Compelling Media and Telford and Wrekin Council, I’ve been reading about IR35 but and preparing for the changes that will bring, but I don’t think contractors in general are properly aware of what it means and the impact it will have on them.

IR35 has been around for some time and applies to Officer roles and the public sector, from April 2020 onwards it is being rolled out to the private sector for Medium and Large companies based on the Companies Act definitions of 50 employees and £5m turnover.

What it means is that if a contractor is under the control of the company then they should be deducting PAYE and NIC from any payments made and treating the contractor as an employee but without holiday pay and other benefits, if the contractor works via an agency then the payments they make need to go through an umbrella organisation which then deducts PAYE and NIC instead. So if a series of test on control are met, then that person has to have PAYE and NIC deducted somewhere or by someone.

Talking with agencies they are not clearly saying that to prospective contractors and are very vague in how potential contracts are presented.

This will hit hard if the Government are tough with the enforcement of the change, to what extent this is going to be tough is hard to say, all will soon be revealed however!

A great forum I have come across on contracting and my profile can be found at contractinguk it is a bit lefty and full of pushing arrogant liberal types but at the same time full of very knowledgeable people.

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