Saga Plc

Saga plc the company that caters for customers over 50 has been in the news again this week.  They operate through three divisions, Insurance, travel and Emerging businesses.

Their travel business consists of the operation and delivery of package tours, escorted tours, river cruise and ocean cruise. The Company owns and operates two cruise ships. All other holiday products are packaged together with third party supplied accommodation, flights and other transport arrangements, so they provide everything you need in the same way that most package deal operators do

Saga plc has been very badly impacted by the Covid pandemic and has had to suspend the operation of its cruise ships.  During 2020 it raised fresh money via the London stock exchange to help it keep going / afloat !

Anyway this week it has announced that it will be compulsory to have a covid vaccination if you want to book and travel on its cruise ships.  Their share price has responding by bouncing nearly 20% at one point.

So the market clearly believes this is a way to restore trading and profitability in a reliable way.  Also the press is full of stories of holiday bookings jumping 250% (not for Saga more the travel industry in general)

It is good to think that pensioners can get out of this lockdown as they have really suffered with all the isolation.

You can read more about Saga plc on our sister site reporting accounts.

Adrian is the CEO of Reporting Accounts read about them on Glassdoor

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